Duplex Brine Hotwell Tank

These API 650 Modified tanks were built out of super duplex 2507 stainless steel for excellent corrosion resistance in harsh environments.

These were replacements for existing tanks. Due to tight space in the plant, the tanks were shipped in multiple pieces and field welded on site.


Code of Construction: API 650 Modified, Annex X
Material: ASTM SA240-S32750 (Duplex 2507)
Product Stored: Hot Brine
11′-6″ Diameter
14′-0″ Shell Height
39,705 L Capacity
Industry: Potash mining

The shipping dimensions of each part of the tanks were carefully chosen to fit through a specific route in the plant, leaving less than 1 inch of clearance during some points in transit.

The new tanks had a larger diameter than the old tanks, so the new tank nozzles had to line up with the existing piping on site. Due to the roof nozzle locations, a small platform was installed to close the gap through the plant floor.

Modeled in Autodesk Inventor

Fabricated by AGI Envirotank

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