200,000L ULC-S601 Diesel Tank

This is a 200,000L Diesel tank, which is the maximum capacity allowed by the ULC-S601 code.

We provided services including engineering, drafting, model review, fabrication troubleshooting, and lifting calculations.


Material: ASTM A36
Product Stored: Diesel
13′-1 1/2″ Diameter
52′-4 5/8″ Length
200,000L Capacity
Industry: Potash

This tank includes a fill pump skid, discharge skid, and a platform with stairs. This tank functions as an unmanned station with its own onboard communications and payment systems.

Project Challenges

  • Over 80,000 lbs empty weight, near the upper limit for handling in a fabrication shop
  • Client requested additional nozzles midway through fabrication
  • Discharge skid piping installation on site

Fabricated by AGI Envirotank

Modeled in Autodesk Inventor

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